At Minahan Muther Klinger, PC our primary focus is on providing comprehensive and expert legal advice to federal sector unions on the specific issues that are unique to the legal environment in which they operate. While our firm has a 30-year track record of providing in-house training to all of our union clients as part of our advice retainers, click here for more information, we likewise have recently opened a number of our federal sector training seminars to non-clients on a number of key topics critical to developing the skills necessary to represent federal sector employees.

As you will see from the individual course descriptions below, what sets our training apart from other programs is our commitment to creating a learning environment that teaches practical skills, not just legal theory. By developing a curriculum which emphasizes hands on learning over marathon lectures, attendees learn not only through classroom instruction but also through hands-on practice in a number of specifically designed "mock" training exercises. Under the guidance of Minahan Muther Klinger, PC experienced instructors and outside experts in the field of federal labor law, students will learn through a combination of lectures, group practical exercises, and a final "mock" representational activity geared to providing the real world experience needed to exceed as a federal sector union representative. For more information on specific training topics, including upcoming dates and registration information, click on the training events that interest you below: